Friday, March 12, 2010

Unfinished post: part 1

Well ladies and gentlemen, my suspicions have been confirmed; I started a blog, got a few posts in, and then I never made a post again... until now, three months later. See, I've always had a fear of starting a blog, because I knew I would never keep up with it. I don't like being a starter of things and not a finisher... but I've been doing that a lot recently. I start a blanket... and then let it sit for 3 months before I work on it again. I move into another room, but have half of my stuff still in my old room for several weeks. I think a blog is especially intimidating because, when is it ever finished?

well... in keeping with my non-finishing habits, I'm off! (although I haven't yet finished this post) So I will be back another day, to continue.