Tonight at work(Pei Wei Asian Diner) A man who had just finished his meal vigorously tore off the plastic from an individually wrapped fortune cookie, broke the cookie in half, and pulled out the fortune. But to my surprise he didn't even glance at the little sheet of paper, he didn't even pause a moment. He simply discarded it atop the pile of rice that he had not eaten. Was he in such a hurry to eat his cookie that he didn't have time to stop and read his fortune? Could it be that he doesn't believe in such fortune nonsense and thus ignores the fact that there was something written on his paper? Was he practicing a strange religion that involves suppressing curiosity? Who knows? I for one don't believe that the little fortunes have any significant meaning whatsoever, in fact most of them aren't even fortunes at all but rather they are random proverbs and silly sayings. But the fact that I have already seen every fortune that our Pei Wei cookies have, and the fact that they are most often very un-amusing, does not change the fact that with every fortune I see that has been left behind by a customer, I have a burning curiosity deep within me to read every single one. I think it comes from the hope that maybe the next one I read will say something new, something different, something inspiring(that has yet to happen).
Anyways, I was just taken aback by the gentleman's lack of curiosity. I personally am inclined to agree with something I once read which said:
"Your curious nature will take you far in life" ... and yes, that is a fortune cookie saying
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